How online veterinary consultation works

Up to 60% of dog and cat issues can be treated symptomatically (treatment recommendations based on symptoms and clinical signs of the animal) through online consultation. A veterinarian can gather enough information to give a diagnosis.

When buddyvet is useful

When they are sick

Our veterinary team is available 24/7. If something happens, you are never alone.

And when they are healthy

Are you curious about something? Forget Google and ask the experts directly.

When you are unsure

Not sure if something is wrong with your pet? Contact us and be sure.


In the application, you create a profile for your dog or cat, enter information about their medical history, current weight, and age. Filling out this anamnesis ensures that the veterinarian compiles a precise assessment tailored to your pet's medical history.

Describe what troubles your pet

In the chat, you write to a certified veterinarian about what you need to address. You can send photos, videos, and documents that will help the veterinarian better assess the current condition of the animal.

Over 40 years of combined practice

One of the greatest advantages is that we have a team of veterinarians with various specializations. Your assigned veterinarian can always consult with colleagues during the consultation - thus, you have the expertise of the entire team available.

Speak face-to-face with the veterinarian

Through the app, you can connect via video call, where you can directly show unusual behavior of your pet to the veterinarian.

Ask anything

There is no limit to the number of questions. Once you solve the current problem with the veterinarian, you can ask anything related to your dog or cat.

Most common issues

Postoperative care
How to handle an allergic reaction
Diarrheal conditions
Cold and cough in dogs
Oncological care
Skin treatment and dermatological problems
average number of questions per consultation
42 minutes
average net time of virtual consultation
12 minutes
average response time
customer satisfaction

Examples of online consultations

běžný veterinář
Konzultace online
Víte předem, kolik zaplatíte
Stres mazlíčka z cesty k veterináři
Čas strávený na cestě a v čekárně
Hodně času
Do 60 minut
Za několik dnů
Váš BuddyVET
Běžný veterinář
Konzultace zdarma
Víte předem, kolik zaplatíte
Stres mazlíčka z cesty k veterináři
Čas strávený na cestě a čekání
Hodně času
Rezervace termínu návštěvy
Za několik dnů
Přípravky pro zdraví a prevenci až domů
Individuální plán péče
Sleva na krmivo
Prevence onemocnění
Bez stresu
Úspora času a nákladů
Na jednom místě
Váš mazlíček může být nemocný týdny a vy nemusíte nic poznat. Odborná konzultace může odhalit počínající zdravotní problémy.
Pro většinu zvířat je cesta k veterináři velmi stresujícím zážitkem. Dopřejte mazlíčkům klid a bezpečné prostředí domova, určitě to ocení.
Ne vždy je potřeba jezdit s mazlíčkem na kliniku. Komunikujte s veterinářem častěji online.
Nehledejte složitě informace, kdy mazlíčka očkovat nebo co mu pořídit. Díky aplikaci budete mít vše na dosah.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (crossbreed)
2 years


Charlie's veterinarian suspected pancreatitis and administered some injections, including opioids. By evening, his condition was worsening, so I consulted with veterinarians on Tlappka to make sure I wasn't overreacting. They were not only a psychological support but also helped me understand whether I was unnecessarily alarmed or not. That same evening, we went to the emergency clinic in the neighboring town where Charlie stayed overnight and was put on intravenous fluids. It turned out to be gastritis, not pancreatitis, but my communication on Tlappka didn't end there. I consulted with them the next day and in the following days when Charlie still didn't seem well. I was grateful because I didn't have to panic and I had the opinion of two veterinarians simultaneously. They also gave me recommendations for diet and ongoing care. Charlie recovered over the course of a week, with the assistance of the veterinarians for four days. Thank you very much!


2 years


I've always been a dog person, but I adopted two cats a few months ago. I turned to buddyvet when one of the cats started vomiting and I was deciding whether to go to the emergency vet or not. Fortunately, the vomiting was only occasional. buddyvet advised me on what to watch for, suggested possible medications I could use, and kept a chat open to monitor how the situation would develop. Thanks to their advice and help, I ended up not going to the emergency vet, saving both time and money. The cat is doing fine now


2 roky


The owner noticed that Bublinka has dark spots on her belly that she didn't have before. After reviewing the sent photos, the veterinarian reassured the owner that these are just pigment spots and do not pose any problem for the dog.

We look forward to seeing you

MVDr. Tomáš Posekaný
Jsem veterinární lékař, vystudoval jsem VFU Brno a nyní se aktivně věnuji ortopedii a chirurgii, která mě velmi baví. V tlappce vedu tým lékařů a snažím se posouvat standardy v oblasti virtuální veterinární péče.
MVDr. Alena Kousalová
Jsem veterinární lékařka, vystudovala jsem VFU Brno a promovala jsem v r. 2003. Pracovala jsem vždy v praxi pro malá zvířata. Posledních 10 let ve své vlastní ordinaci. Mým oblíbeným oborem v rámci veterinární medicíny jsou poruchy chování zvířat - jejich prevence i řešení.
MVDr. Terézia Přikrylová
Jsem veterinární lékařka, vystudovala jsem Univerzitu veterinárního lékařství a farmacie v Košicích,  promovala jsem v r. 2017. Zaměřuji se hlavně na interní medicínu psů a koček a také na anestezii.
All veterinarians

We maintain VVCA standards

The goal is to promote proven practices. Our team of veterinarians adheres to international standards of virtual veterinary care within VVCA (Veterinary Virtual Care Association).
All our veterinarians have valid certificates from the Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Czech Republic.

Our veterinarians continuously educate themselves and push their boundaries even further. They regularly attend VETfair and participate in specialized seminars as part of the VETclass congress program.